The Daisycon API uses a throttling mechanism to limit the number of calls an API user can make. This mechanism reduces the load on our backend systems and prevents multiple users competing for resources. This results in less downtime and error responses.
Currently our API has been limited at 50 requests per minute per IP address. (The sandbox environment has a lower rate limit, please check out our sandbox page). When someone exceeds this limit, the IP address will be blocked for 1 minute.
Error 429 - Too Many Requests
When the amount of requests exceeds your limit, the API lets you know by giving a HTTP response code 429 (“Too many requests”). If you get this error, please reduce your request rate. If this occurs, you’ll have to wait until you regain your requests the next minute. Fortunately, this should not occur, or rarely occur. If this does occur regularly, please contact your API administrator to discuss your throttling profile. Make sure your code doesn’t make calls twice and try to improve your code to reduce the amount of API calls made.
The Daisycon platform uses multiple database machines. In most cases, these machines contain (exactly) the same data. However, developers have to keep in mind that sometimes, when the data has to be replicated to multiple machines, there can be latency. The latency is usually just a few seconds, but can sometimes be minutes too.