You can find all statistics of your campaign in your account under Statistics. One of the most commonly used statistics is the annual overview, which allows you to see the performance and progress of your campaign throughout the year at a glance. For these statistics, you can simply compare them with a previous period by using the compare button. The following statistics are available here:
- Date overview
- Day overview
- Weekl overview
- Month overview
- Year overview
Furthermore, it is possible to view various Top Lists. These are overviews with, among other things, your best performing campaigns, media, and materials. For these statistics, you can also compare them with a previous period by using the relevant button. One of the most commonly used top lists is the media top list, which allows you to see at a glance which publisher media are promoting your campaign:
- Campaign Top List
- Account Name (Publisher) Top List
- Media Top List
- CPC Top List
- Material Top List
- Description Top List
Additionally, the following statistics are also available:
- Assist overview
- Click referers
- Demographic statistics
- Device statistics