As an advertiser, you can see which referring url the visitor clicked through to your website. The referring url is the web page where the visitor was immediately before landing on your page.
Click referer per transaction
In MyDaisycon, go to Transactions > Transaction overview. Find the transaction you want to see more details about. Open the details by clicking on the transaction and then click Show engagement mapping. Here you will see additional information about the visitor, including the click referrer.
Referer statistics analysis
It is a good idea for advertisers to analyze referring clicks on a regular basis. It tells a lot about how publishers are using their promotion. In addition, you may be able to track down publishers who regularly refer visitors, but do not often have the final click. You can encourage these publishers to continue promoting the affiliate campaign by giving them a CPC fee, for example.
Fun fact
While 'Referrer' is the correct spelling, we use 'Referer' with one 'r' in our systems - a misspelling born from an early internet typo that stuck around and became the actual standard when used in this context.