You can find publishers in the system menu: ‘Publisher Management’ > ‘Search Media’.
Use the search function at the top of the page to find publishers. Try entering different relevant search terms to get the best results. When a search returns too many results it is recommended to refine the search by using the filter functions on the left side:
- Media Type (the type of media that the publisher is using)
- Category (category to which the media belongs)
- Countries (country which the media is targeting)
- Languages (language used by the media)
Publisher details
By clicking on the media results you can display more details on each selected media.
Watch our video tutorial: How to search (new) publishers in MyDaisycon:
Invite publishers
Relevant media can be invited right from the search results. To invite media click the envelope icon (2nd item in the right column).
It is also possible to get in touch with the publisher through our message center. To do this click on the three dots and then Contact Publisher.
Publisher Management
Do you want to know more about publisher management? Then also read the following FAQ articles on this topic: